RAWR! Microsoft Hungry!

Today it was announced that Microsoft is offering to buy Yahoo for $44.6 Billion. I am not a financial analyst or highly trained in business, but when I read, “With Microsoft paying a full price for a broken business where there’s not accelerating organic growth, I can’t make that work at all. I don’t see what they get out of it. The strategy behind the deal was wrong.” (Jon Fisher) the first thing that comes to mind is that Microsoft is simply not concerned about purchasing a successful business. They are interested in removing potential competition.

Then I read that “the Justice Department said it is ‘interested’ in reviewing antitrust issues” and realized that I don’t need to be an expert to question the motivations of a monster corporation that’s been scrutinized in the past. (I originally read about antitrust issues in this article, but upon reloading the page I noticed that sentence had mysteriously disappeared. Is that part now deemed unimportant?)

What kind of changes would MS make with their newly acquired toy?
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Will Yahoo Lay Off My Husband?

Rumors that Yahoo is gearing up to lay off employees that will number in the thousands have been circulating lately. Believe me, we’ve heard about it. Not only from friends and our RSS feeds, but also from Dave’s mom.

I even heard that an Indian newspaper reported there would be 14,000 Yahoos left without a job, but they later retracted that story. I’m not so sure about that one considering a quick search for Indian news sources shows most of them reporting the total number of Yahoo employees at 14,000. Interesting how rumors get all crazy once they’re removed a few steps from their source.

Dave and I could enjoy a good game of telephone to determine our fate, but personally I’d prefer to just wait and see. Will we be packing up and moving back to Minnesota dejected and vowing to never leave again? Not likely. But don’t be surprised if you hear about me knocking on a little wood.