Dragonfly Rock Art


Since our new school relies on parent participation, with each family expected to work one shift per week per child, I’ve been leading an art enrichment in R’s class every Wednesday. It’s a lot of work and can be stressful at times, but I’ve come to realize that I do it as much for me as I do for them. This past decade as a SAHM/writer has made me realize that I need meaningful work. Not paid work, necessarily (hello privilege!), but meaningful work for mental health.

So as soon as the school closed, I shifted from classroom planning to remote planning: how to demonstrate over video, what supplies might parents have at home, what supplies can be made using items parents are likely to have at home, how long will it take for me to get over my fear of being in front of the camera?

For the first remote project, I decided to start with something that would be fun for me to make and not stress about technique or how best to make a fool of myself in a recording that will last millions of years and one day be studied by anthropologists eager to understand culture during the 2020 pandemic.

We had been working on painting rocks, especially with bugs and flowers, in previous weeks so I went with a demo of a dragonfly. I searched for a model to work from and found this dragonfly rock. (I’m not affiliated with the Etsy shop, just liked the pic.)

I’m hoping to find more time to make videos between schoolwork meltdowns, writing my novel at a consistent snail’s pace and scolding my parents for leaving the house. Maybe I’ll even show my face and do some awkward talking.

How have you kept up with meaningful work during #stayhome2020?

What is There to Discuss About ADHD?


Writing about ADHD is an exercise in self-awareness. To analyze my own behavior is to realize that I’m not getting started because I have too many thoughts swimming around in my head and I don’t know which one to choose. It’s so meta to blog about how the ADHD is affecting your blogging about ADHD. Just in the span of one or two minutes sitting here staring at a blinking curser I’ve thought about: Continue reading

A Burning Question


Esmeralda gazed up at the noonday sun wondering whether it truly could burn a cosmic hole in her retina.

“What is a retina? Where exactly is it and what does it look like?” She thought.

While contemplating the little black disc surrounded by luminescent iris and pondering the origin of the word “hazel”, a minuscule shadow descended with increasing hostility.

“What the—“  Continue reading

Delivered from Distraction is … Look! Something Shiny!

Here lies Delivered from Distraction, unread on my lap while I use my phone.

I was sitting on my patio attempting to read Delivered from Distraction: Getting the Most Out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder. I got about 1-2 sentences in when an idea for a book topic hit me. I picked up my phone and start tapping away on that tiny keyboard.

I paused for a moment of self-reflection and thought of how funny it would be if the authors came upon me right now, book in my lap, phone in my hand, mind most obviously not on what I originally intended. I wanted to take a selfie and post it with a funny tag line, but I had just woken up and was not inclined to share my bed-head.

So I’m posting this pic instead. Here’s my marketing suggestion for the next printing of Delivered From Distraction…

“Over one million copies sold! Nearly two thousand copies read!”

I’m cracking myself up over here. Dorky, easily-amused and loving myself this morning.

(For the record, I’ve finished reading the preface!!)

Writing About Loneliness



Recently I was awoken in the middle of the night by the cries of my younger son. As my husband got there before me, I heard my son cry out, “I want Mooooooommmmy!” I spent the next few minutes attempting to comfort both my son and my husband. Because I know that as much as my husband feels exhausted by the constant demands of our kids, as do I, he also wants to feel needed. It’s hard to drag yourself out of bed at night to comfort someone who just demands someone else.

Well, as is often the case when I’m awake late at night (or early in the morning, rather), I quickly became mired in depressing thoughts. Continue reading

Accentuating the positive when the positive is “arrogant”

I don’t post much on social media these days. In part, because I’m trying to navigate the privacy of my 7yo, S, who is increasingly self-aware. In part, because there’s just not a lot of time for it these days (which is not entirely a bad thing). And, sadly, in part because when you are dealing with a neuroatypical brain (his and mine), it feels as though it’s acceptable to discuss the negatives, but there’s an arrogance associated with acknowledging the positive if it can come across as bragging.

That’s not fair to this struggling kid.

In the midst of assessments and seemingly endless IEP meetings, it’s good to be reminded that it’s not all negative. My kid’s brain is fascinating.

This morning, Facebook reminded me, in the form of a memory, of a pic taken at a preschooler class years ago. The kid was trying to spell Mommy at 3.5.

It’s not surprising that’s he’s struggling. It’s hard trying to figure out how to function in a society that claims to prize intelligence, but refuses to praise it if it falls outside of the norm.

Continue reading

Spirited and Sweet

This is his “silly face”

I need to mommy boast for a moment. On Saturday we took the kids to Comic Con at the Santa Clara library, apparently to wear them out for days to come. S was starting to get “melty”, which is what I call it when he acts like he’s lost his bones. He becomes a puddle of human goo. BUT, there was a LEGO building contest! So, of course I signed him up.
He was super chill about not winning and waited in line to get a piece of candy for participating. When he walked over to me with his mini Twix bar I said, “OH YUM! You picked one of my favorites! Can I have it??? OM NOM NOM” He smiled his melt-the-coldest-heart smile, laughed and said, “you can have half and I’ll have half.”
OMG, I just about cried from mommy pride. All the challenges we have with this kiddo fade to the background when I remember how loving, sweet, compassionate, and caring he is. Who cares if you need five reminders to put on your PJs between the living room and bedroom, kiddo. You gave me a hug yesterday when I was frustrated and yelling. You’re gonna be just fine.