Grandma Got Bank

Clearly I have been off the blogging track for the past week or so. The only explanation is that I’ve been busy with other things. Isn’t that weak? Well, to give myself a bit of a motivational boost I’m lowering my goal from posting every weekday to three times per week. That seems reasonable doesn’t it?

The photo posts are pretty quick to present, once the shot has been taken, edited, and uploaded, but it has also been requested that I write more like I used to or at least diversify my posts. I can’t argue with that and in fact, had been thinking the same thing myself.

For now, enjoy these photos of my grandma with a handful of one dollar bills. That ought to tide you over until I get some writing time. Just ask yourself, what was grandma doing with all those singles?



It’s Like Rain on Your Wedding Day

September 13


I planned this post in honor of what was supposed to be another rainy day, although it does not appear to be raining at the moment. It was a beautiful day that Dave and I took advantage of as we walked to downtown Mountain View for some gelato and to inquire about flu shots at the pharmacy. Sitting on the patio outside the gelato place after searching in vain for some shade, I remarked to Dave, “I feel like I’m on vacation here.”

I have to admit that, although we do need the rain, it is so very nice without it most of the time. Like, when one is in the mood for a walk or just simply needs to run an errand within walking distance and realizes, “pshaw, what the hell do I need a car for?”.

Despite another gorgeous day here, I once again post a photo from a rainy Minnesota day. The photo features the photographer who shot my cousin Rachel’s wedding, the bouquet, program, and I think even their rings. The light from the large looming window beside her and the rain drizzling down the glass made for a more emotional feel. Of course, I took a handful of shots to finally get this one, as is always the case.

The People at the Party in the Park

Since I’ve been running around Minneapolis and the surrounding metro area all week I haven’t been keeping up with my goal of daily photo posts. Therefore, I’m going to take a stab at posting this weekend in order to make up for it.

One of my goals in regards to photography is to improve the shots I take of people. Following are a couple of my favorites from the wedding:

**September 6**


Dave and Sarah congratulate each other on their achieved hilarity.


Have I interrupted the pre-officiating conference? Maybe I have caught an attempt to convert Al to the church of officiating officiants and their official coefficients.

Taking a quick break from the positive

I was in my friends’, Beth and Chad’s, wedding a couple of years ago. I had a blast. It felt great to be included and I had a wonderful time at the bachelorette party, trying on bridesmaid dresses, getting our hair done, posing for the photos, and definitely at the reception. The night of the reception I just happened to be talking to Beth’s mom and went on and on about what a great time I was having. She became very serious and told me I had to tell Beth.

I hadn’t even realized it, but apparently Beth was really stressed out ’cause she had been dealing with all of the piddly little complaints from everyone about every tiny little thing. Some of the bridesmaids were even complaining because they didn’t realize they had to pay for their own dresses. Granted, they were over $100 for something we probably wouldn’t wear again, but c’mon people, this is her wedding! First of all, it’s a fraction of what she or her family is paying overall for you to have great time and it’s an honor for you to have been selected, this means you are one of her closest friends…act like it!

Of course, I marched up to Beth right away and went on and on about what a great time I was having. She was so grateful and relieved.

I didn’t really get it at the time, but it makes so much sense now. I ignorantly thought that people would do whatever they could to help you out and make sure you were happy this one time in your life that’s supposed to be so special. It’s the one time other people around you completely cast off all selfishness and do their best to be there for you, right? I mean, I’d hope that those close to me would be there for me at other times too, but I always imagined weddings as the mass support from everyone, even those you’re really not that close to.

The punchline? Beth and Chad haven’t been returning my calls. I can only assume they’re not coming at this point as I haven’t even been able to send them an invite ’cause they won’t call back and give me their address.

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