Valentine’s Day the Indian Way


Who doesn’t love a good party that involves fire? Dave and I went to the Valentine’s Day party at the Indian Community Center (ICC) in Milpitas on Saturday night. Usually their events involve dancing, karaoke, an open bar and darn good food. This last one had a fire performance! A man and woman danced sensually across the floor holding props covered with fire that they occasionally put out in their mouths. All the doors were propped open to let out the smoke, but when I got home and blew my nose I found that a lot of the ash still went up in there. It’s ok, that’s what nose hairs are for.

One thing irked me about how these events are planned, though. Continue reading

Fascinating Photos from the Negative Tide in Half Moon Bay

Negative Tide at Half Moon Bay

Back in the beginning of February was one of the lowest daytime tides of the year in Half Moon Bay. Dave, Tim, and I were lucky enough to be able to head out there to wander around on the reef that was left exposed as a result. There were tide pools everywhere! Sometimes they look like they’re empty, but if you crouch down and watch for a bit you start to see little creatures moving about. Continue reading

New Years Resolutions: A Brief Photo Display

New Years Eve Party 2008

Marc watches intently at what is taking place before him. He almost cannot believe his eyes as the bottle tips slightly back and the lips are parted in absolute pleasure. He’s heard stories of this before, but never witnessed with his own eyes the spectacle, the intrigue of observing this consummate act of pure delight. Never before so perfect. Content and pleasantly amused, like Mona Lisa, he shares the tiniest expression wrought delicately as if anything more forceful would spark a cavalcade of insight into the vast unseen secrets that lie within. Continue reading

Unbearable Cuteness


When Dave and I were last in Minnesota we had the opportunity to attend Gavin’s birthday party where we found much too much cuteness.


OMG, little dude.


Here’s a shot of Jullian. Is there anything cuter than a kid with chocolate all over his face?