Why is it so Hard to Hit “Publish”?

2015-07-08 19.45.54
This is how it feels to have so much in your head that you can’t get out.

Why is it easier for me to post on social media than post on a blog? I have an easier time starting a Facebook post and then deciding after it’s mostly written that it is more appropriate on my blog. Once I’ve decided it’s going on the blog, I hit a wall. What’s the deal? Continue reading

A Burning Question


Esmeralda gazed up at the noonday sun wondering whether it truly could burn a cosmic hole in her retina.

“What is a retina? Where exactly is it and what does it look like?” She thought.

While contemplating the little black disc surrounded by luminescent iris and pondering the origin of the word “hazel”, a minuscule shadow descended with increasing hostility.

“What the—“  Continue reading

Delivered from Distraction is … Look! Something Shiny!

Here lies Delivered from Distraction, unread on my lap while I use my phone.

I was sitting on my patio attempting to read Delivered from Distraction: Getting the Most Out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder. I got about 1-2 sentences in when an idea for a book topic hit me. I picked up my phone and start tapping away on that tiny keyboard.

I paused for a moment of self-reflection and thought of how funny it would be if the authors came upon me right now, book in my lap, phone in my hand, mind most obviously not on what I originally intended. I wanted to take a selfie and post it with a funny tag line, but I had just woken up and was not inclined to share my bed-head.

So I’m posting this pic instead. Here’s my marketing suggestion for the next printing of Delivered From Distraction…

“Over one million copies sold! Nearly two thousand copies read!”

I’m cracking myself up over here. Dorky, easily-amused and loving myself this morning.

(For the record, I’ve finished reading the preface!!)

Writing About Loneliness



Recently I was awoken in the middle of the night by the cries of my younger son. As my husband got there before me, I heard my son cry out, “I want Mooooooommmmy!” I spent the next few minutes attempting to comfort both my son and my husband. Because I know that as much as my husband feels exhausted by the constant demands of our kids, as do I, he also wants to feel needed. It’s hard to drag yourself out of bed at night to comfort someone who just demands someone else.

Well, as is often the case when I’m awake late at night (or early in the morning, rather), I quickly became mired in depressing thoughts. Continue reading

The Key to Being a Happy Mom? Don’t Sugar-Coat It

A Gaggle of Babies

Last week my playgroup had a playdate with a discussion about juggling and self-care. I wasn’t able to attend because I was juggling an appointment with my therapist into my schedule so I could do some self-care. The plan was to read an article about balance before the playdate in order to fuel the discussion.

I wanted to participate in the talk despite being unable to attend so I wrote an email with some of my thoughts. Well, it ended up more like a blog post. I share it here with minimal edits: Continue reading