Delivered from Distraction is … Look! Something Shiny!

Here lies Delivered from Distraction, unread on my lap while I use my phone.

I was sitting on my patio attempting to read Delivered from Distraction: Getting the Most Out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder. I got about 1-2 sentences in when an idea for a book topic hit me. I picked up my phone and start tapping away on that tiny keyboard.

I paused for a moment of self-reflection and thought of how funny it would be if the authors came upon me right now, book in my lap, phone in my hand, mind most obviously not on what I originally intended. I wanted to take a selfie and post it with a funny tag line, but I had just woken up and was not inclined to share my bed-head.

So I’m posting this pic instead. Here’s my marketing suggestion for the next printing of Delivered From Distraction…

“Over one million copies sold! Nearly two thousand copies read!”

I’m cracking myself up over here. Dorky, easily-amused and loving myself this morning.

(For the record, I’ve finished reading the preface!!)

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